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Nikon - CoolShot 20 GII 6x20 Golf Laser Rangefinder

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Nikon's COOLSHOT 20 compact golf laser rangefinder has been re-born for 2019 as the COOLSHOT 20 GII, with an increased ranging capability. With eight seconds of continuous measurement and First Target Priority, the new COOLSHOT 20 GII enables easy distance assessment to bunkers, fairway ends, dogleg corners, and ultimately the flagstick. As the smallest, most compact model in Nikon's rangefinder line, COOLSHOT 20 GII guides you from the first tee-box: is the group ahead of you within your range? Did you choose the correct Club? Answer the question with the COOLSHOT 20 GII.

Nikon's COOLSHOT 20 compact golf laser rangefinder has been re-born for 2019 as the COOLSHOT 20 GII, with an increased ranging capability. With eight seconds of continuous measurement and First Target Priority, the new COOLSHOT 20 GII enables easy distance assessment to bunkers, fairway ends, dogleg corners, and ultimately the flagstick. As the smallest, most compact model in Nikon's rangefinder line, COOLSHOT 20 GII guides you from the first tee-box: is the group ahead of you within your range? Did you choose the correct Club? Answer the question with the COOLSHOT 20 GII.

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